Celebrate a milestone with our Retirement Balloon Bouquet! This colorful and fun bouquet includes a mix of balloons that spell out "Retirement" and are sure to add a festive touch to any retirement party. Show how much you appreciate all the hard work and dedication that led to this momentous occasion. Cheers to the retiree!
We ordered balloons a few days ago in a rush and T.O. Balloons was fantastic. They superseded our expectations and the balloons turned out fantastic. Thank you so much for all of your hard work - you guys are great! Highly recommend
Mississauga, On
From the first time I came on their site they were extremely helpful immediately. Love their customer service. I’m excited to try them again in a week for my sons birthday and every occasion!
Love my balloons and package! Thank you soul much! To making my life easier ✨🙏🏼✨
Toronto, On
Amazing professionalism, and service! I needed to get some balloons ASAP for delivery on the same day for an event that I wasn't aware of. They were very accommodating with making sure everything I had requested was perfect! 10/10 would recommen
Toronto, On
Superb service. Was deciding between T.O. Balloons and other balloon services in the city for my corporate event and T.O. Balloons was the only company that picked up their phones right away. They spent a good 10-15 mins explaining how it all works, helping me choose the right colors and was overall super patient with all my questions. Very happy with my choice to go with T.O. Balloons!
Toronto, On
Delivering Happiness
Same day delivery across the GTA. Prompt and friendly drivers make sure we are on time for your party!